letter to the editor

Thank you community

Sun, 12/24/2023 - 8:00am

Dear Editor:

During this very special time of year we tend to put our own needs aside and think of family and friends and gather to celebrate those relationships. We also remember those who have been a part of our lives but will no longer ever celebrate these moments. They are now a part of our memories and become a part of the fabric of the specialness we attribute to Christmas.  

I recently lost my beloved wife, Joy, and she will always be a part of the special memories I attribute to this Christmas season. The real message of Christmas is sometimes lost in all the preparations for those gatherings and stress that travel and the commercial part of the season put on us.

The purpose of my letter is to thank this community, my friends and family for putting a lot of this aside to comfort me by sending letters, texts, emails, visiting me, and just stopping me to express your condolences for the passing of the Joy of my life.She is looking down from Heaven with a warm glow in her heart for all the love you expressed. I am truly grateful to you all, and want to wish you and your families a very very Merry Christmas from myself and Joy FH.

Larry Bunkowske
