Letter to the Editor

RE: Woodend Fund

Mon, 05/04/2015 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

I think a bit of a reality check by Edgecomb citizenry needs to happen regarding the Woodend Fund situation and the push for a public launch area. Marian Anderson, Wiscasset’s town manager, when approached for what Wiscasset pays annually, responded with the information that while their overall waterfront budget is $39,554 for year 2015, they spend $5,000 annually to maintain the floats, etc., a harbor master stipend of $7,500 (25 hours a week for 20 weeks), with contracted services for channel markers and mooring inspections $ 4,700.

While that includes multiple piers, floats, and ramps, one could see that public access to the water does not come without expense. She did not break out the cost of liability insurance, which I'm sure is not inexpensive.

Edgecomb would first need to expend money to buy a parcel and develop it as a launch/picnic site prior to considering maintenance. How can we, the people of Edgecomb, justify the increase in taxes this would engender, particularly at this juncture when we're facing deficits created prior to this year (for whatever reason), as well as increased expenses going forward?

When pursuing at any time a launch ramp/picnic area set-up on the Sheepscot, do we really want to provide the opportunity for those who might not be accustomed to the Sheepscot's swift and changeable currents to put themselves in peril with the town responsible for liability? Financially, it's absurd right now. Safety-wise, it's probably not ever a wise decision to go forward with a public facility — especially given the free access on both rivers via well maintained areas by abutting towns, not to mention access to the best picnic spot in the town: Fort Edgecomb, and for a very nominal use fee. 

We would definitely be shooting ourselves in the metaphorical foot to not use the Woodend Fund for the benefit of all Edgecomb taxpayers by taking it to soften the tax blow on all of us, and to once and for all, put the launch/picnic issue to rest.

Gretchen Burleigh-Johnson
