letter to the editor

New design please

Tue, 03/07/2017 - 10:45am

Dear Editor:

I received my Register of Feb. 23 on March 4 -- it takes a while to come from Maine to Pennsylvania to Florida. In the issue was a letter to the editor (From bowling alley to...bus station?), which voiced my feelings exactly concerning the design for new buildings on the By-Way.

It is sad enough to lose our kinky bowling alley with its nice old walkway that shielded us on a rainy day, but does it have to be replaced with a couple of boxy buildings that don't even give a nod to the architecture of the town?

As Mr. Plunkett so succintly put it, "At best the design looks like a southwestern bus station ... There has to be a more appropriate plan in mind."

In the article the designers stated "This is only a preliminary design." Let's hope and pray that they will change their "preliminary design" to something that says "Boothbay Harbor" instead of "new development."

Gwen Asplundh

Boothbay Harbor