Letter to the Editor

Is this local news?

Thu, 09/04/2014 - 5:00pm

Dear Editor:

As I picked up my weekly editions of the two local papers this week, I casually glanced at the front page of the Register to see what had happened on the peninsula since last Thursday.

Wow! An above the fold, front page story about Bill Clinton and Michaud firing up Dems at a rally.

Darn, I must have picked up a copy of the Portland Press Herald by mistake! How did that happen.

Then I realized, no, this is the Boothbay Register. Did Clinton and Michaud slip in to one of our local communities, hold a rally and I missed it?

No again, this was the rally held Tuesday in Portland at the Expo Center.

So it begs the question. Is this local news that belongs on the front page of our local hometown paper? I realize that Bill Clinton is a national celebrity but this front page story reeks with partisanship. Nary a mention in other local papers, and that's the way it should be.

Jim Brown