Fish and Game association dedicates upgraded pistol range

Sat, 09/20/2014 - 8:00pm

    The Boothbay Region Fish and Game Association's August meeting was the occasion for a long-awaited day — the dedication of the recently overhauled and upgraded pistol range. Long-time club member Robert L. Streng had remembered the club in his estate, and his generosity provided the means to see this long needed addition through to its completion.

    Together with donations large and small from numerous other members and the direct efforts of club members in the construction of the range and building, this latest addition to the association's facilities will be enjoyed by members for many years to come.

    In remarks made at the dedication, President Ken Anderson noted that it would be hard to name all those who had helped to make this happen. In the end, it was the wishes of Bob Streng that gave the club the incentive and financial boost to see the project through.

    In conjunction with the dedication, the new pistol range also proved to be a grand place for the association to have its summer cookout. Past president Tammy Stienmetz and her faithful crew served up classic fare that was complimented by the many delicious side dishes and deserts brought by members. All in all a memorable evening made more so by the good fellowship of all in attendance