letter to the editor

The fight is not over

Tue, 11/15/2016 - 5:00pm

Dear Editor:

I would like to thank those in our region who stood with me in opposing Question 3 on this year’s ballot. You recognized it for what it was, a radical overreach designed to inhibit gun ownership. You saw through the lies, distortions and flawed data the Yes on 3 people threw at us. You made a reasoned decision through common sense instead of raw emotion. Thank you for listening and helping to spread the word to family and friends.

While our region ultimately supported Question 3, our county seemed to oppose it. That same county voted in Dana Dow, a vocal supporter of the No on 3 efforts unseating the odds on favorite Chris Johnson. Maybe Mr. Johnson learned that the gun control issue has been, is now and probably while be for some time, a political third rail, best not to touch. Given the turnout nationwide in rural areas maybe Ms. Clinton forgot that as well. Our own Sheriff, an elected official himself might take a longer look at his support of the ballot initiative

This fight is not over; three other states were not as successful in defeating the New York City mayor’s scheme to destroy the Second Amendment. Maine stood alone and is the first to be successful. Bloomberg won’t soon forget that. For the second time in two years we have had to defend Maine’s traditions against outside influences, first the Bear Referendum and now this. Both times it was truly a grassroots effort against a well-funded political machine. These attacks will continue and we need your help. Consider joining the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, Gun Owners of Maine or the National Rifle Association. Your membership dues and donations are desperately needed to prepare for the fights that we all know are coming.

Thanks again to all in the region who stood with me and said no too big out of state interests trying to usurp our firearms rights and traditions.

Linc Sample

Boothbay Harbor