letter to the editor

A failed presidency

Sat, 01/21/2017 - 8:45am

Dear Editor:

Farewell Barack Obama.

Obamacare, which gave many of us soaring premiums and deductibles, has failed miserably, is too costly, has caused hemorrhaging insurance companies to pull out of the marketplace, has left younger people without coverage they couldn't afford anyway and middle-aged people, broke. According to U.S. Census data 11.2 million Americans have been pushed into poverty in 2015 by out of pocket healthcare cost driven by high deductibles and premiums.

Mr. Obama also failed with just about every foreign policy at his pen. After the successful surge in Iraq during the last days of the Bush Administration, Mr. Obama then claimed ISIS to be a "JV team" - nothing of consequence - and continued to disregard the impact that all radical terrorist groups would go on to perpetuate with horrific results all over the world, as well as here at home in America. Mr. Obama neglected to provide support to the Syrian people, as he drew his red line and then ignored it, leaving the brutal Bashar Hafez al-Assad and his Iranian terrorist friends to kill hundreds of thousands, including women and children. Furthermore, this inaction on his part perpetuated the mass migration of millions, as they desperately tried to escape their war-torn countries. With this, Russia saw opportunities for intervention. Mr. Obama went on to enable Iran's arms capabilities with millions of dollars paid as a ransom money in the middle of the night. He turned his back on our oldest ally, Israel, left us almost 20 trillion in debt, and sadly, a racially divided nation.

It was he who had the unique opportunity to encourage all people regardless of race or religion to challenge, uplift and motivate them through kind, edifying words of love, hope and respect in regard to the family unit, education, jobs and being grounded in faith in God. But that's not the man they got in Barack Obama! His Saul Alinsky-infused, leftist radical ideology instead caused vitriol, anger, hate and up-rising between neighbors, classmates, co-workers and friends and even families! He has left this country - and the world - in chaos. He has been a feckless, divisive man and a failure as a president. And I am glad to say farewell to him.

Elizabeth Printy
