Edgecomb Column: Events and honors

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 9:15am

The First Friday Kaffee Klatsch at Edgecomb Eddy Green will be from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on May 1. Come over to share your works and days with those who may not get out so often!

Kindergarten screening for Edgecomb Eddy School for the 2015-2016 school year has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 20. Children who will be five by Oct. 15, 2015, are eligible for school next year. Please call the school to sign up for a screening time on the 20th.

On Wednesday, May 13, prospective kindergarten students and their parents/guardians are invited to school for a visit. The purpose of this is to see the classroom, meet the kindergarten teacher and classmates, and then to take a short bus ride. This does not require any sort of sign-up; just come if you can. It begins at 2:45 p.m. and is expected to last about 45 minutes.

Flowers of the Forest: Let us fondly remember Lynne Crink, and hold Bob and her family tightly in our compassionate embrace. And let us salute the passing of Rufus Caswell, grand old man of Edgecomb, and share the sorrow of loss, but also our long rich memories with Gail and all the Caswell descendants.

Congratulations to Emilie Crocker, Edgecomb's candidate for 2015 Shrimp Princess at Fishermen's Festival! Bravo to Alex Smith, a member of BRHS' German American Partnership Program, bound for the town of Bad Harzburg and the city of Hamburg come spring 2016. Be sure to come to their German Supper and Auction on May 16, to help build funds for this exciting and valuable adventure.

Bravo also to Cameron Crocker and Draco Peaslee, members of BRHS Student Health Advisory Board, which put together a highly successful Wellness Day on April 10. And Ole! to Nick Gorey, no. 1 singles player on the Seahawks' tennis team. For the adults among us, hurrah for Bobsy Dudley-Thompson, who presided over a recent worship service at Newcastle's Second Congregational Church.

Early Supper Alert: Number 1 Edgecomb Congo Summer Supper will be Saturday, May 16, followed by those on June 20, July 18, Aug. 15 and Sept. 19. The current price is $8 for adults, $3 for children. Funds raised by these suppers go toward the ECC'‘s outreach projects, from local causes to global.

Many, many issues to debate at Edgecomb's coming town meeting: The fate of the Woodend Fund, merge it into our negative-income surplus fund? Or keep it sacrosanct for its original purpose, to pay for land for public boat access? Or compromise, by borrowing from it, to be repaid in a reasonable period of time?

Our property taxes are going up. Be braced. It is either that or paring down on town services we have come to depend on.

The status of our fire department, and whether the office of fire chief should be a full-time salaried town position. I was bucked to see we have eight volunteers who underwent the rigorous training to qualify as firefighters, but we still need more people to become involved, as members of the department, or as auxiliary volunteers.

And what are we going to do about a code enforcement officer? Any of these are ample reasons to show up with your well-reasoned opinions and sage advice to help your town during these direly money-strapped times. Remember, Edgecomb, you are the town's government.

Meanwhile, come dusk, stick your ears outdoors and be deafened by the spring peepers! I knew, a week ago, when I first heard them, that we were committed to spring, no turning back. But hail in Wiscasset? Raincoat in one hand, snowshoes in the other, bathing suit in the third at 234 River Road, 207-633-2978 and jocam@tidewater.net.