letter to the editor

Don’t thwart the will of the people

Tue, 04/25/2017 - 11:00am

Dear Editor:

I read State Senator Dana Dow’s editorial concerning the school budget referendum we passed in the November 2016 election with great concern. This is what we, the people of Maine, decided was a prudent method to adequately fund our schools after months of careful consideration. Our schools not only benefit our children but also our communities and provide the foundation for Maine’s future. Their importance cannot be minimized.

We, the people of Maine, supported this referendum because they recognize the importance of a well-funded educational system. We also realize that much of the Maine citizenry is impoverished due to low wages and that one of the most successful ways to improve people’s standard of living in the future and reduce the need for welfare programs and enrich communities is through an adequately funded school program. People making over $200,000 a year pay a much smaller portion of the annual income in taxes than less advantaged segments of the population. It is reasonable and prudent to require them to pay a more equitable share to support the community, especially the schools.

The will of the people of Maine was made clear in the November 2016 election. It is a violation of public trust to attempt to void this constitutionally sanctioned democratic citizens initiative. For Mr. Dow, the governor, or the legislature to try to override violates the expressed will of the the people and cannot be tolerated. All legislative documents, including LD 291, LD 337, LD 571, LD 829 and LD 851, are blatant attempts to thwart the will of the people of Maine. I am proud to pay my share of taxes to support the community I love. I cannot believe that people with significantly more resources than I would not want to contribute their share.

Lorna Laughland-Winthrop
