Letter to the Editor

Dismayed at ‘religious freedom’ issue

Fri, 04/03/2015 - 1:00pm

Dear Editor:

Having just read the front page of the April 3 issue of the Portland Press Herald, I am dismayed that the Maine legislature is hopping on this "religious freedom" bandwagon which is nothing of the sort. Xtians are as free as anyone in this country, to worship as they prefer, so long as they don’t interfere with other people’s worship preferences. And yet, here we have them wailing that no one gives them their rights? Which rights (or rites) are those being denied? I believe human sacrifice is outlawed, on the grounds, “Thou shalt not kill.” Which is actually a Jewish law.

Why is it that Xtians feel that in order to enjoy their own freedom of religion, they have to make things miserable for everyone else? Don't we have enough roads and bridges to rebuild, small businesses to encourage, wildernesses to preserve, abandoned children and elderly people to assist, that we must squander time and money on what is essentially a private issue? Many admirable people are gay, and deserve our courtesy. Would you deny a gay man a snow shovel? Refuse to make a plumbing repair in a lesbian household? How petty. I’ll bet an Xtian would be put out if a Buddhist plumber refused to come to his house, or a lesbian dress shop owner refused to let Madame Xtian try on a party dress.

Please note that I am using the term Xtian to cover those who do like to make things miserable for other people. There are plenty of Christians who behave as Jeshua ben Mariam would have them do.

Joanna M. Cameron
