CTL students and families participate in annual campus clean-up day

Tue, 05/07/2024 - 8:00am

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) in Edgecomb hosted its annual spring clean-up day on Friday, April 26. This tradition takes place each year in conjunction with a variety of additional Earth Day activities. Over seventy-five students, teachers, and caregivers raked and reseeded lawns, cleared leaves from drains and culverts, and weeded flower gardens in order to allow new spring shoots, leaves, and flowers to grow. They planted flowers and cleaned walkways and outdoor play areas around the buildings. They also renewed their commitment to healthy living by preparing the school's vegetable garden beds for spring planting.

Environmental awareness moves well beyond the idea of just taking care of one's own place, though. CTL's head of school, Katy Inman, reminded the school community that earth is a home to all in a recent newsletter. Inman also highlighted CTL's Service Auxiliary Program, which chose the last full week of April to begin their work as trail stewards for a section of trail in the Marsh River Preserve in Newcastle. Students cut back overgrown foliage, cleared sticks and small branches from the trail, and made a report of any larger items that might need attention to Midcoast Conservancy. They also checked out an interpretive trail to see what future possibilities there might be for engagement for kids and families. Auxiliary program leaders Eugenia Gallagher and Abi Iverson organized this opportunity for CTL students to get involved in environmental and conservation work, put their values into action, and make a positive difference.

For more information about CTL, visit www.c-t-l.org or follow the school on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CTLKto8.