Letter to the Editor

Change is life

Tue, 04/26/2016 - 2:00pm

Dear Editor:

Joe Gelarden’s commentary concerning change on the Boothbay peninsula is “spot on.”

Yes, we have witnessed a whole lot of change locally within the last few years. Some of these changes are not necessarily for our betterment. Joe seems to have forgotten that we are also missing St. Andrews Hospital, which local citizens contributed towards with annual funds. (Simple question: Where are those funds today?) I realize we have accepted an urgent care center, which is very needed, but I miss our hospital.

I, for one, am tired of “homogenization” of our local thinking. This area was once “fishtown,” proudly founded by local citizens. Now the Fishermen’s Festival is canceled (due to little interest). Glad to see some events will be absorbed by the Windjammer Days committee.

Will the local economy be supported by a country club and the botanical gardens? Let’s not forget “our town” and what others come here for. Change is life, life is change. Support your community and what it represents. Be proud of what others and yourself are here for.

Richard Plunkett
