Boothbay Region High School

Bringing Transylvania to Boothbay

BRHS performing arts class performs “Dracula!”
Mon, 10/27/2014 - 5:00pm

On October 23 at 6 p.m. in the Boothbay Region High School auditorium, over 60 people gathered to watch teacher Mary Miller's performing arts class perform “Dracula!” a one-act play adapted for the stage by Paul Olson.

There were one or two minor missed line mishaps, and an occasionally crash during scenery changes behind the curtain, but all in all the play went smoothly and was a tribute to the hard work of the class and teacher, particularly since they have only been practicing since the end of September.

Student actors included senior Jared Morgan as Count Dracula, junior Annielyn MacKusick as Mina, junior Sam Teele as Dr. Van Helsing, freshman Hayden Brewer as Jonathan Harker, sophomore Kenny Hicks as Lucy Westenra, freshman Eve Dolloff as Lucy's mother, freshman Tori Morin as Nurse Seward, and junior Marissa Farnham and sophomore Elisabeth Wright as sister brides. Junior Nathaniel Sample was in charge of sets and lights.

“I am very proud of my students,” teacher and director Mary Miller said. “This class is always learning and they are all at different levels, but they pull together and make it work.”

Morgan adopted a practiced Transylvanian accent for his part as Count Dracula.

“It took some work — sometimes it sounds really good, but sometimes terrible,” Morgan said during dress rehearsal. “it's my favorite part I've ever played because I get to play a villain — the main villain — and I have powers, such as the ability to freeze people.”

Morgan has performed in many other plays, including the Cowardly Lion in “The Wizard of Oz.” Though he has never read the original “Dracula” by Bram Stoker, he has decided that he wants to soon.

MacKusick wanted to play Mina right from the beginning when she learned the class was doing “Dracula.”

“I was pretty excited that we'd be performing this close to Halloween,” MacKusick said. “I really enjoy performing arts class and I love Mrs. Miller, she's great. This class seems more fun than academic.”

MacKusick said she does get nervous when performing, but she is able to come out of it quickly as a play progresses. Other roles she has played include the Duchess in “Alice in Wonderland” and Mrs. Dean in “45 minutes from Broadway.”

During the scene where Mina, Nurse Seward and Dr. Van Helsing defeat the vampire Lucy, who has succumbed to Dracula, Hicks gave a truly spectacular performance.

Struggling against the grip of the nurse and doctor as Mina held the stake, she cried out “Mina, these people are trying to hurt me” and “Mina, I'm your friend” in a voice both pleading and sinister at the same time. The audience feels for Mina, who is unable to stake the now-vampire Lucy.

The students took their bows at the end of the show, and made sure to include a round of applause for Sample, who kept things running in the lighting and sound both. Before they exited the stage, Morgan called out a quick “I'll suck your blood!” to end the show.

Miller wishes to thank the following people for helping with the production: Linc Sample, Paulette Carter, and the Dolloffs, Brian, Anne and Eve.