Boothbay Region Lions Club

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 12:30pm

Twenty-seven Lions club members and two guests met on April 22 to enjoy fellowship and a great dinner. Many thanks to the kitchen crew: Lions Mary, Alan, Ken, Joyce and Tom. King Lion Glenn also thanked Lions Mike and John for putting up the new club sign. Donations are coming in and will help us continue sprucing up the building.

A reminder we will have a joint meeting with the Rotary on May 7. Another reminder that all prizes for the Prize-A-Day calendar should be given to Lion Glenn prior to the May 27 meeting. Tickets for the calendar will be on sale June and July.

Lion Norm reports the next blood drive is June 6, so mark your calendars.

Lion Gary reported on the Fishermen’s Festival Breakfast. Thank you to all those helping the club with this fundraiser.

Lion Ken D. reported on the Cabbage Island ticket sales. Get your money in to the club ASAP if you want to be guaranteed a trip to the Island for a fantastic meal.

Our guest speakers for the meeting were Jerry Homer and Patty Seybold from Boothbay Region Health Care. Jerry and Patty showed a PowerPoint presentation and explained the mission of the organization. Along with the presentation they were able to share their vision and hopefully recruit support. The Health Center is hoping to meet the needs of the community and is driven by the needs of the people they serve, working towards good health for all. Thank you to both Jerry and Patty.

Tail Twister Mike levied fines to several members. Lion Mary had a problem remembering what needed to be done, car inspection or registration; Lion Duane — what happened to the rest of your pants? Lion Ken. F. for creatively trying to read Lion Duane’s T-shirt; Lions Paul and Wendy — where were you last meeting? The kitchen crew was fined for failure to pour the toast before the meeting started, and a “late” fine went to Lion Phil C. for forgetting his badge and to Lion Phil W. for tattling.

The cheer raffle went to Lion Alan and the 50/50 to Lion Paul, who donated it to the building fund.

Rotary on May 7 and regular meeting May 27 (please note there may be a May 13 meeting). Get those prizes in ASAP. See you then!