Boothbay Region Elementary School student supplies lists

Tue, 08/23/2016 - 10:15am

Pre-K/Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Lessner

Backpack, lunch box, 24-pack of Crayola crayons, 12-pack of colored pencils, six glue sticks, Ziploc bags (boys, quart size; girls, gallon size)

Kindergarten/Mrs. Spaulding

8-pack of Crayola crayons, box of Ticonderoga pencils, pair of children's scissors, bottle of Elmer's Glue All, Ziploc bags (gallon size for both boys and girls)

Kindergarten/Mrs. Mellor

Backpack, two glue sticks, one box of quart-size Ziploc bags

Grade 1/Mrs. Andrews and Mrs.Wade

Backpack, 8-count Crayola crayons, 24-pack Crayola colored pencils, pair of children's scissors, box of Ticonderoga pencils, bottle of Elmer's School Glue, one Composition notebook, one box of gallon-size Ziploc bags, one box of quart-size Ziploc bags

Grade 2/ Mrs. Crocker and Mrs. Williams

Backpack, one 1-inch three ring binder with clear cover, one 1½-inch three ring binder with clear cover, one package of economy sheet protectors (100), two Composition notebooks, two boxes of #2 pencils, one box of colored pencils

Grade 3/Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Cucci

Backpack, one box of #2 pencils, one pencil sharpener with shavings holder, one plastic homework folder, three 1-inch hard cover three ring binders with inside pockets, one package of thin markers, two yellow highlighters, one package of colored pencils, children's scissors, two glue sticks, three Composition notebooks, one (8-color) watercolor paint set

Grade 4/Mrs. Hartley and Mrs. Lassen

Backpack, 24-pack of colored pencils, one sturdy pencil box to fit inside desk, one Composition notebook, two 1½ three ring binder with clear cover and inside pockets, two boxes of Ticonderoga pencils, one set of watercolor paints with paint brush, two very fine point black Sharpies

Grades 5 and 6

Backpack, five 1½ three ring binders, three packages of 8-count dividers, accordion file organizer with five to seven sections, one box of colored pencils, one box of colored markers, one package of blue or black erasable pens, two boxes of #2 Ticonderoga pencils, one glue stick, one package of lined notebook paper. At home, students should have access to a good dictionary and an atlas. The school will provide assignment notebooks.

Grade 7

Backpack, two 2-inch three ring binders, two packages of 5-tab dividers, one 5-subject spiral bound notebook with pockets, two pocket folders with three ring brads (9" x 12"), one package of notebook paper, regular blue and black pens, two boxes of #2 Ticonderoga pencils, a 5-pack of highlighters, one box of colored pencils, earbuds (are with classroom teacher), assignment notebook or accordion folder to keep work organized.

Grade 8

Backpack, one 2-inch three ring binder, notebook paper, two packages of 5-tab dividers, two pocket folders with three ring brads (9" x 12"), two 5-subject spiral notebooks with pockets, regular blue and black pens, a 5-pack of highlighters, two boxes of #2 Ticonderoga pencils, one box of colored pencils, earbuds (are with classroom teacher), assignment notebook or accordion folder to keep work organized.