Boothbay receives top award for 2015 town report

Town awarded ‘Supreme’ status by Maine Municipal Association
Wed, 10/19/2016 - 11:30am

    It seems you can’t judge a book or town report by its cover. The 2015 Town of Boothbay Annual Report was so good from cover to back it received the Supreme Award by Maine Municipal Association. A panel of judges reviewed over 260 town reports, according to the MMA website.

    The annual municipal report competition recognizes the top three entries in five population divisions. Boothbay tied Vassalboro for the top designation, Supreme, for municipalities with 2,500 to 4,999 in population. China received the next highest designation, Superior, and the third highest designation, Excellence, went to Woolwich.

    This is the first time the MMA has recognized Boothbay for an outstanding report. During the Oct. 12 selectmen’s meeting, Town Manager Dan Bryer recognized Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Tax Collector Tammie Mayo who prepared last year’s town report. Bryer told the selectmen he’d never heard of the competition before receiving the MMA’s notification email.

    “I think it’s pretty cool,” he said. “Tammie did the majority of the work and I think she should be recognized.”

    The judges base their decision on three criteria: attractiveness, content and utilization. Mayo has worked for the town since December 2014. The 2015 town report was the first she’s organized. Mayo organized all department heads’ and other town reports, manipulated the property and other tax lists into the proper report format, and collected photographs for the publication.

    Mayo credited her predecessor, Heidi Fuller, for assisting her in the report’s preparation. She says organizing her first annual report was stressful.

    “There was a lot of anxiety and it took a lot of calls to Heidi before everything was ready,” she said.

    Mayo was surprised by the town receiving the MMA’s Supreme Award.

    “I was thrilled about it,” she said. “This was my first report so I didn’t relax until everything went to the printers. They threw it all together, and like magic, it came together.”

    The board of judges included Janine Pineo, Liz Chapman Mockler and Leo Burnett who are freelance writers and regular contributors to the MMA publication Maine Townsman. Jamie Clark, the organization’s graphic design and marketing coordinator, also judged the entrants.

    In the notification letter, the judges commended the town for “producing this exemplary municipal report for your citizens.”