letter to the editor

Appreciates the support

Mon, 03/06/2017 - 4:45pm

Dear Editor:

I’d like to thank the community for their support of the Sherman Marsh abutting property owners during the long discussions/battle with the Maine Department of Transportation regarding their eminent domain proposal. The discussions which spanned several years were a nightmare for those of us impacted. I am grateful beyond words for the resolution.

Thanks to the Town of Newcastle-- both the Town Manager, Jon Duke, and the Selectmen--for their unwavering support. As a resident, I could not have asked for more from our town government. They scheduled meetings with State and Federal officials and stood behind us every step of the way.

Thanks to the local media. The Lincoln County News (LCN), Boothbay Register, Wiscasset Newspaper, and Bangor Daily News were unfailing. Maia Zewert and Gina Hamilton covered each meeting. Nok-Noi Ricker from the Bangor Daily News effectively and thoroughly covered the issues as well without attending the meetings. Lincoln County TV (LCTV) was also always recorded the sessions. Bobby Whear and Larry Sidelinger, (and occasionally Charlie Herrick) routinely discussed the Sherman Marsh issue on the weekly LCTV show, Wuzzup. In addition, hardly a week passed that Larry Sidelinger didn’t comment on the issue in his weekly LCN column, Truckin’ in America. Don Carrigan from WCSH Channel 6 came on site with a crew and featured us on the news.

Thanks to our State Senators. Former State Senator Chris Johnson worked tirelessly on our behalf. When Senator Dana Dow was elected last November, he immediately took up our cause with the same zeal.

Thanks to members of the community who turned out to support us at the many meetings. Most especially Mal Carey, a Newcastle resident but not a Sherman Marsh property owner, who took up the cause. He always attended the meetings, did research, and met with those of us impacted when we would gather to strategize.

Finally, thanks to the other property owners joined in this effort. Seldom does anyone prevail over eminent domain efforts--Martha Gaythwaite and her husband, John Tebbetts, Justin and Jill Woods, and Rachel Woods Gallagher and husband John Gallagher—thank you all. Along with Mal, we were a great team.

Marva Nesbit
