letter to the editor

Angels of People Helping People

Mon, 12/04/2023 - 2:00pm

Dear Editor:

I am delighted to report that there are Angels living right here in the Boothbay region! They shop with us, they exercise with us at the “Y,” they sit next to us in church, they fall in line with us at Nathan’s, they are all over the place.  And so you ask, who are these Angels? Do I know them? Are they in my neighborhood?

Well, yes. They are all of the places above and more. They are your friends, your neighbors, maybe members of your family.

Enter the Angels of People Helping People, a bevy of angelic volunteers who, for no charge, will cheerfully pick you up, and  take you to go shopping, to e doctor, to the library, to wherever – out of the pure goodness of their hearts!

And so, brothers and sisters of Boothbay, can you spare a few hours a month to be there for a friend in need? Call the Boothbay Region Community Center at 207-633-9876 and tell them you want some wings. Thanks.   

Pat Young

East Boothbay