American Legion Post 36

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 10:15am

Who ever heard of playing softball in the snow, much less, have a softball tournament in February? Well, I attended two this past Saturday!

A few years ago, American Legion Post 202 in Topsham started having a softball tournament in February as a fundraiser for Maine Veterans in Need (MVN). This organization provides help for veterans who need immediate assistance. Last year, they raised over $30,000. And, last year, Post 42 in Damariscotta held their first softball tournament in February. As part of MVN, I had to see for myself just how the game is played and, of course, thank everyone for their participation. Post 202 had 12 teams and Post 42 had six teams competing. Each team had to pay $200 to enter. The rules are just slightly different then regular softball. For example, one strike and you’re out; two foul balls and you’re out; one ball and you walk. So, you can imagine the game goes quickly. Well, when it is 20 degrees out and the snow is falling, a quick game is a good thing. The players were really competitive. The softballs were a bright yellow, but as bright as they were, how they saw the fly balls in the snow I have no idea. Sometimes when they slide into a base … they just slide right on by!

I started out the morning at Post 42 but left to see how the games in Topsham were doing. What a crowd they had there! Topsham also had an expo where a number of organizations that support veterans had information tables. VA healthcare, VA Benefits, Honor Flight, Maine Bureau of Veterans Services, DAV, Red Cross, and many others were all there to provide information and add to the excitement of the day. After making my rounds and thanking everyone for turning out to support MVN, I returned to Post 42. The last two games were played in really heavy snowfall but it didn’t interfere with truly great games. Again, I don’t know how they could see the ball to hit, run the bases when they did, for the fielders to see the ball to catch or even who they were then going to throw the ball to after they caught it. But somehow they did, and did it well!

At the end of the games, I presented the trophy to the winning team and Post 42 presented me with a $3,500 check. While the final count for the Post 202 games is not in, I know they raised over $20,000 for MVN! As an all-volunteer organization, all of this money goes to help veterans in need! This has become so successful that I understand there is thought to having this to be a statewide American Legion Winter Classic Softball Tournament! Maybe next year Post 36 will recruit/sponsor a team! Most players aren’t Legion members and many aren’t veterans. A big thank you to the American Legion Posts 42 and 202!