letter to the editor

The ‘what’ of modern liberalism

Mon, 01/21/2019 - 4:45pm

    Dear Editor:

    Here is just a small sampling of our grossly anti-scientific modern liberalism: a fetus is not alive, just a clump of cells; global warming from human activity is real, in spite of contradictory scientific evidence; there are multiple genders even though a person's sex is exactly what his scientific DNA states; IQ is not genetically determined, despite decades of scientific test results; defensive walls don’t work, even though they have been effective since the very first city-states; illegal border-crossers are seeking political asylum, even though only ten percent actually qualify as such, and most honestly say that they are just looking for a job and a life, etc., etc.

    And all for what, to unscientifically claim that everyone is born equal, and equally deserving of every good, in every way, no matter who generously toils to provide those goods? Sorry, but such a place would be Thomas Moore’s Utopia, or a physically unattainable ‘No-Place,’ as translated from the Greek.

    Face it, unlike classical liberalism, modern liberalism is a complete lie, and that is the real issue in today’s divisive politics.

    Phil Molvar