letter to the editor

Vision, courage and fortitude

Mon, 09/28/2020 - 4:15pm

    Dear Editor:

    The national tragedy of this epic loss of life, brought about by incompetent and negligent national response to the coronavirus pandemic, demands a more considered course of action. The science of observed and demonstrated evidence is the candle that shows us the path out of this dark crisis.

    The light of truth by itself is not enough. We need to be united in consistency of purpose and strive together that we may all survive as a community. We need strong leadership with clear vision to see the path, steadfast courage that will resist the chimera of the inconstant political winds.

    We in our great state of Maine, have been spared the worst of the ravages of this pandemic, thus far. Our suffering and loss may be much worse without the considered advice of doctors and experts, and leaders who have had the wisdom to listen. But this meager fortune can dwindle if we lack wisdom and fortitude in our own choices.

    The stakes could not be higher. Death and suffering has visited too many of our families and neighbors. We cannot afford to grasp at easy answers or be seduced by the empty rhetoric of authoritarian demigods.

    In November we will be asked to choose our leaders. We need to come together to elect leaders who exercise the practical wisdom needed to successfully fight pandemic and stand shoulder to shoulder with our health care professionals. For their demonstrated clarity of vision, courage to stay on a path illuminated by science, and the fortitude to make the difficult choices that need to be made; I urge voters to support Chloe Maxmin, Holly Stover and Sarah Gideon this November.

    Fred W. Nehring
