letter to the editor

Running for selectman’s seat

Mon, 03/11/2019 - 4:00pm

    Dear Editor:

    To Boothbay Harbor residents:

    I have been asked “Why are you running for Boothbay Harbor Board of Selectmen” and there isn’t one answer. I care deeply about this community and want to work towards making it a place where we can all prosper. We have so much opportunity but we must also tackle a few challenges. We need to solve for our dwindling population of young families, which means we need to face the peninsula-wide housing challenges and grow the year-round jobs that will bring families here. We must come together on a school strategy and funding that strategy appropriately. We must remember that we have elderly citizens in this community that live on fixed incomes and cannot afford property tax increases. We should evaluate expanding our community center and creating more programs for our senior citizens that will help make their lives more fulfilling. Supporting our working waterfront is critical to growth and development. These are things that I believe must be done and can be done. But in order to accomplish these goals, we need to support responsible development, help our business community thrive and ensure we are seeking opportunities to expand our tax base with sensible growth.

    Over the past year-and-a-half I have seen this wonderful community become fragmented and divided by two small groups over an issue that has been thoroughly evaluated by the Planning Board and now, finally, will be voted on by the residents of Boothbay Harbor. While this is certainly an important topic, our town’s needs are so much greater than a small section of shorefront land. The ability for future generations to call Boothbay Harbor home is hanging in the balance. The time is now and I am the candidate who wants to get to work on behalf of this community but I need your support to make it happen

    If you believe what I believe then you know that now is the time and we can do better. Please give me your vote on May 3 and “Let’s Bring Boothbay Harbor Together.”

    Military veteran, husband, father and grandfather, business owner, life/safety industry expert and community volunteer.

    Tom Minerich

    Boothbay Harbor