letter to the editor

Re: Heartbreak and resolve

Mon, 06/22/2020 - 3:15pm

    Dear Editor:

    Perhaps what Deborah Bonk really meant to declare for the Boothbay region is that the progressive-Democrat-party has failed black people in this country.

    More than four decades of a chronic malaise of Democrat-dependency resulting in abject misery has plagued our major cities, suffocating the very groups of people that this false benevolence was intended to nurture and patronize.

    By berating every non-black American with her elitist finger wagging, the letter writer capsules all blacks as helpless children, as wandering and bleating within the squalor leftist governors and mayors have imprisoned them.

    Government dependency is the villain here and the Democrats are the architects.

    This crippling crisis lock-down that the so called science backed bureaucracy created, prolongs the natural endeavors of a society wriggling and screaming to crawl out and heal itself and to innately produce again.

    When humanity is stripped of its inherent expressions of dignity, all hell is bound to erupt. The original purpose or mission of any form of activism is elided, wiped-out whenever the looting, burning and murder begins.

    Perhaps, the CEO of the lab should invite members of the current urban extortion ring on over to East Boothbay for a lesson in racial equality and they can together enjoy what the mayor of Seattle is calling a “summer of love.”

    Dave Gregg
