letter to the editor

Please indicate information in ads

Mon, 06/15/2020 - 4:45pm

    Dear Editor:

    This is a letter to all the restaurants, bars and theaters who advertise in the Boothbay Register.

    Now that businesses are finally opening up again I have a favor to ask. I have recently become a wheelchair user. When you place an ad with the Booothbay Register, will you please indicate whether your dining area and or bar or theater is wheelchair accessible? If your bathroom is accessible then you can advertise your business as ADA accessible.

    To find the specifications for a wheelchair accessible bathroom, go to: http://www.thebalancesmb.com/ada-construction-guidelines-for-accessible-bathroom-84478

    All of us using wheelchairs will appreciate seeing your ads letting us know your level of accessibility.

    I look forward to visiting you this summer season. And good luck.

    Nancy Fitts

    East Boothbay