letter to the editor

Perpetuating discrimination

Mon, 12/28/2020 - 3:15pm

    Dear Editor:

    It was two days before Christmas and our Boothbay Register, delivered to our area one week late, had just arrived. I was full of holiday cheer and very relieved that our country’s divisive election was over. My eye caught a headline in the Letters to the Editor: “Our Country is ruined”——-what?

    I can’t address all the letter writer’s lies and outrageous predictions, nor do I want to. Our country was constructed by our forefathers based and built on a strong constitution which has been weakened by a fascist who does not believe in law, is an enemy of the justice, who buddies with dictators … especially Russia. Who repeats and repeats lies to scare the public.

    We who have voted for Biden look forward to justice for all Americans, not just the wealthy who were allowed absurd tax breaks. We look forward to the return of our troops to areas in the world against our enemies.

    The foolish, soul less letter at Christmas cannot be forgiven by this reader because it’s men like you who continue to perpetuate discrimination who history and the New Year will make the fool.

    Happy New Year.

    Janet Brooks

    Southport and South Carolina