letter to the editor

The muck of uselessness

Mon, 12/14/2020 - 4:30pm

    Dear Editor:

    After nine months of crushing paralysis, Maine’s legislature serves no purpose. Why elections, why even hold an upcoming session?

    The trembling, craven members of the last elected-circus (both R and D) capitulated, presenting Mills with a gift of total “divine-right” under the name of a statewide emergency. These bunglers have betrayed “the people” once again, setting in motion the dismantling of our already fragile Republic. The executive should never be allowed to wield such unchallenged power.

    Snug in her Biden-basement, plugging her New Green Deal fantasies, she now scolds us all from her perch of progressive elitism, as if we are all errant teenagers racked with impending pestilence. The never ending shutdowns, unlawful, unconstitutional sanctions, forced cotton-muzzling, have resulted in nothing but a flourishing of infections and businesses and budget bankruptcies.

    This summer and beyond, this sandbox government must and will be deluged with crippling lawsuits, bringing them to their knees and reminding them who is really in charge.

    Roaming forces of mask-cops, all the way up the bureaucratic trail to Shah and Mills, receive their paychecks, while the rest of us hang on in desperation until the angry monarch gives us a reprieve from repetitive illegal extensions. These are our businesses that would be otherwise thriving even under such peril.

    The Maine House and Senate are now stuck in the muck of uselessness as “the state” mires itself in constitutional crisis.

    Dave Gregg
