Juniper and McKown Points Column: Events past and future

Mon, 07/12/2021 - 11:00am

    The 2021 Fourth of July is in the books. We missed our traditional lobster bake but happy to have the fireworks and, thanks to vaccinations, to enjoy our families and friends. Lots of them, judging by the cars parked in every conceivable spot. After digging through my own refrigerator yesterday, pondering three open containers of yogurt, I may take the advice of a neighbor: “I ask my house guests to bring home any food left over from what they brought.”

    The Community House got a workout this week with a number of events. The Breslav family held a warm Celebration of Life for Diana Breslav, who passed away last winter in Florida. Diana and her husband first came to the Point on an invitation from Sally Murray and returned year after year, renting different cottages, finally ending up at the Larsen cottage on McKown Point Road. Matt Hines celebrated his 50th birthday with a ’70s themed party/tennis tournament (which he took up as a sport just a few years ago); 18 players took to the courts and raised $1,000 for the Maine Food Bank. The Gillies family held a party for Zoe Gillies who graduated from Suffolk Law School in Boston this year.

    We are sorry to report that Scott Atkinson’s mother, Nancy Atkinson, passed away at the end of June, at age 97. There is an obituary in this week’s Register, with details about her interesting life.

    Friday’s deluge moved the Parent/Child tennis social to Sunday afternoon. Red Ball participants were: Abby and Claire Taylor with Dave, CJ Beattie with Charlie Beattie and Heather Cline, and Wyatt Gaines with Grandpa Peter Edwards. Water balloon tennis was the highlight.

    Orange Ball participants in a round robin (followed by a big game of “crazy tennis”) were: Marcia Deegler and granddaughter Charlie, Van Deegler with grandson Owen, Katherine Taylor and mother Becky, Christina Edwards and son Sam. Owen and Van were the champs.

    Playing Green Ball were Ethan and son Fisher Brown, Mike and son Jack Paler, Morgan and daughter Sabrina Fairfield, George Himes and grandmother Susie Brooks, Edie Himes and father Matt, brother and sister Reilly and Rowan Tanner.

    Champs were Rowan and Reilly. Hot dogs and nice cream sundaes followed. (Note: Many thanks to Dave for this reporting.)

    Next up: if you pick up your Register on Wednesday you still have time for tonight’s story telling at the Community House at 7, to share history and stories of JPVIS.

    Field Day has been moved from Burnt Island (lawn repairs on Burnt preclude using it for games) to McKown Point, and the date has changed from Sunday to Saturday at 11 a.m. Details have been sent in a JPVIS email.

    Once again, a plea: this column does not write itself. Please send your news and ideas to Thanks.