It’s National Cat Health Month

Sun, 02/14/2021 - 12:15pm

February is best known for Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day and the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. But it also throws a spotlight on the importance of maintaining the health and well-being of our beloved feline family members.

Cats need everything people do: love, shelter, food, companionship, toys and regular health checkups. Yes, the annual exam is when Tab Hunter or Maggie the Cat have weight and dental checks; their ears and eyes inspected, bodies checked for lumps, bumps and fleas … It’s the time to share any concerns you may have about a change in behavior, issues with food – whatever is concerning you. The annual exam often includes immunizations based on the Tab and Maggie’s ages.

One of the top discussions cat parents have with their furbaby’s doctor is about diet. Many of us tend to feed our pets too much. Obesity isn’t just a human problem. We love treats and they do, too; we love to eat. Some of us may have had a vet tell us to “love him/her a little less” with treats and table food indulgences!

Speaking of a cat’s love of nibbling, they are naturally curious critters so remember to keep toxic things in the home out of reach – especially the pretty things … like plants. Among those tempting green and colorful flora are daffodils, hyacinth, dieffenbachia holly, poinsettia, mistletoe, lilies, azaleas/rhododendrons, cyclamen and kalanchoe, according to

Exercise and scratching are both necessary for a healthy cat. When cats scratch, they remove the outer layer of their claws (there are sharper claws beneath it), and they are stretching their muscles and paw pads. Scratching posts are available through your local pet store or online companies, or you can make one! A scratching post should be sturdy (if it wobbles, Tab and Maggie will not use it) and stand at least three feet high. Rough material like sisal, burlap, or even tree bark make for satisfying scratching and nail maintenance, according to Some owners make appointments to have their cat’s nails clipped at the vet’s office instead of, or in addition to, the scratching post or pad.

Some cat parents decide to declaw their pet, which involves the amputation of the last bone of each toe. You can liken the procedure, in human terms, to cutting off each finger at the last knuckle, according to humanesociety,org. Declawed cats should never be outside. Their primary means of defense against predators is gone.

A healthier way to keep your feline(s) from scratching furniture, in addition to a sturdy scratching post, is mixing up your own scratch prevention spray. According to, mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and apply it to the spots your cat is damaging. You can also use citrus-based scents -which they are known to strongly dislike. Mix lemon juice in a liter of water, with orange essential oil and eucalyptus oil, then pour into s spray bottle. And felines are not keen on garlic and peppermint, either.

Cats love to play. Indulge them with new toys on a regular basis. Some toys, particularly the fishing pole type ones with a catnip toy, feather, or other endlessly fascinating item on the end, are especially fun because they get to play with you. Oh, and let us not forget the red dot light.

Catnip, also called catwort and catmint (many of us have it growing in our yards in summer), filled with catnip are winners, except some cats just do not get what all the commotion is about). Soft toy mice, birds, fish and other critters filled with catnip will provide cats attracted to the scent lots of fun. After sniffing or eating catnip (you can grow it in planters in your home), cats can become more playful and affectionate, sleepy, calm … According to, eating catnip creates a calming effect, while sniffing it results in excitement and stimulation. The effects of catnip last five to 30 minutes. And after that, a cat will not react to catnip again for about half an hour!

Responsible cat parents spay or neuter their felines. Make an appointment for Maggie before she is 5 months old, but not younger than 5 weeks. Spaying your female pet before her first heat offers the best protection against uterine infections and breast tumors – malignant in about 90 % of cats according to the ASPCA.

Male cats that are neutered (best between 6-9 months) are less likely to try mounting other felines, people, or objects. They are less likely to mark their territory by spraying urine everywhere. Plus, they won’t be roaming around fathering mini-mes.

Grooming your cat while sitting quietly with them in your lap is a great way to keep them looking and feeling loved, and you will feel loved, unconditionally, and these quiet moments can lower our blood pressure. They help our bodies to release a relaxation hormone cuts down on those stress hormone levels, according to We take care of our beloved pets and they take care of us. It is a win-win.

As Albert Schweitzer once said, “There are two means of refuge from the misery of life – music and cats.”