letter to the editor

I beg to differ

Mon, 10/05/2020 - 4:00pm

    Dear Editor:

    When I ask my Trump supporter friends why they are voting for Trump, they tell me “To make America great again.”

    I beg to differ.

    You are voting for the President of the United States – an office that represents all of the values of our Democracy and the moral and ethical values of this nation's Judeo-Christian heritage.

    You are voting for the head of the government of the United States of America who has consistently undermined our allies’ trust and respect for the United States.

    You are voting for someone who, on behalf of the people of the United States of America, has diplomatically embraced two of the most dangerous men on our planet — Kim Jung-un and Vladimir Putin.

    You are voting for someone who is vulnerable to being, if not already, co-opted by Russia, due to his business dealings with an assortment of Putin's oligarch friends.

    You are voting for someone who on a daily basis is working to undermine and subvert the checks and balances that the Founding Fathers worked so hard to incorporate into the Constitution in order to protect the nation from abuses of power.

    You are voting for a pathological liar who has knowingly made more than 20,000, and counting, verified untruthful, inaccurate public statements.

    You are voting for an inept businessman who’s career is highlighted by six bankruptcies, multiple other failed businesses, questionable investments and mountains of debt.

    You are voting for a bully who routinely publicly attacks anyone who opposes him with vitriolic social media attacks, frequently involving untrue or unsubstantiated accusations.

    You are voting for a sexist who objectifies and disrespects women.

    You are voting for someone who, if he tried to join the congregation of your church, synagogue or mosque, you would quickly ostracize to protect your children from his crudeness and corrupting influences.

    This election is about the core values of the United States of America and what our choice of a leader says about our principles, morals and ethics. We have a responsibility to choose wisely.

    Don Eadie

    East Boothbay