Diagonal knitting demo at Lincoln Home

Fri, 11/29/2019 - 12:45pm
Knitting is a sculptural skill, according to internationally acclaimed artist Katharine Cobey. In her 90-minute demonstration and workshop, at the Lincoln Home, Katharine concentrates on the expressive potentials of diagonal shaping with an emphasis on making either seamless sculptural shapes or clothing.
Come knit with us on Monday, Dec. 2, from 3-4:30 p.m.! Suitable for every level of knitting experience.
The Lincoln Home is located at 22 River Road, Newcastle.  For more information, please contact Rhonda Hanna, 563-3350, or rhonda@lincoln-home.org. 
Visit our website, www.lincoln-home.org  and follow us on Facebook for photos and events of daily life at The Lincoln Home.