BRES shines with ‘Be the Light’

Thu, 02/13/2020 - 8:30am

Boothbay Region Elementary School finished its annual “Be the Light” celebration Feb. 12 with an assembly that had a whirl of song, skits and spoken word from kindergarten through eighth grade classes.

Being the Light is about how kindness on everyone’s part culminates into a beacon of hope, respect and safety, as Assistant Principal Tricia Campbell reminds students every year.

“BRES is an incredibly special family. Each one of you plays a very special part, each one of you is a light in our community. When we come together, when we work together to support and encourage one another, we shine brighter. As we go forward and share, the light gets brighter.”

The first to turn on the signature tea lights were the kindergarteners who sang “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” while donning stars of their own. Third graders then shared their thanks for teachers and staff who help them learn and feel safe in school. Fourth graders took turns telling the story of “The Girl and the Chenoo Monster,” about a girl and her three brothers who melted s beast’s heart.

First and second graders sang Shelley Murley’s “Light a Candle for Peace” before fifth and sixth graders staged a game show between the students and the teachers.

Said the sixth grade announcer, “Welcome to the first annual BRES Teacher versus Pupil Kindness Competition. Today our delegates who will go head-to-head on acts of kindness have been specially selected among all the fine folks in the fifth and sixth grade. Representing the teachers' side, from the resource room 200, is Mrs. Arter. And representing the student side for the competition from Mrs. Johnson's home room, local fifth grade and talented dancer, Sophia Mansfield.”

Arter and Mansfield descended from the bleachers to run circles around the competition table while students waved great signs and banners proclaiming kindness was the real winner.

“Contestants, you know the rules,” continued the announcer. “You must state an act of kindness, respect, or helpfulness without saying um, duh, or hesitation of any kind. So, get ready and the first person to hit the buzzer gives their answer first.”

Mansfield and Arter began ferociously flinging examples of their personal acts of kindness over the previous month. “I was helping someone out,” said Mansfield.

“I helped a teacher get the copy machine unstuck,” said Arter.

“Well, I was sticking up for someone.”

“I helped a student who spilled her applesauce on the floor and was crying.”

“I returned a $100 bill that I found on the playground and gave it to the principal.”

“I was helpful because I unclogged the copy machine again.”

“I was getting along with someone I don't get along so much with.”

“Um, um, um,” said Arter, breaking the rules. “I can't think of any more! I lost!”

Mansfield was crowned the winner.

On the queue of teacher Soren Barker, seventh and eighth grades were prepared to let the BRES community know how much they love it.

“BRES, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways!” exclaimed Barker.

“Teachers and staff help us do the right thing,” said one student.

“We appreciate the awesome projects that the teachers plan for us,” said another.

“Dismissal! Recess!” shouted others.

“We appreciate teachers and staff who give us second chances.”

“We love our teachers.”

As students left the assembly by grade, an ensemble of teachers played tunes to accompany students back to their classrooms.