Boothbay Region Lions Club

Mon, 01/27/2020 - 8:00am

    The Lions club met for a regular meeting on Jan. 22.  Our kitchen crew, Lions Barry, Jay and Pete, served up a delicious meal of lasagna with all the trimmings.

    Four of our members volunteered to help with the recent Red Cross blood drive.  In spite of the inclement weather, 18 pints of blood were collected.

    We will be holding our club’s Speak Out contest at our Feb. 12 meeting. Maine Lions District 41 sponsors a Speak Out contest for high school students every year.  The students interested will present their speeches for judging. The purpose of the Speak Out contest is to provide students with an opportunity to think about important current issues, to organize their thoughts and ideas, and to effectively present these ideas publicly.  Boothbay Lions Club will be giving $100 to the first place winner, $75 to second place, and $50 to third place.  A regional contest will be held at the end of March. 

    A decision was made at this meeting to lower our annual dues for membership to $75. Any new members joining after Jan. 1 will pay only $37.50. 

    Three of our members will be attending the SPOT machine training at the Camden Lions Club Feb. 1.  This machine is what is used for vision screening at the Y every August. We have been researching how to help more schools have access to this important screening. We hope to come away from this training in February with more important information to be shared in our area.

    Our next meeting will be Feb. 12.  For more information on our club please visit us on Facebook.