letter to the editor

All boats float on a rising tide

Mon, 04/08/2019 - 5:15pm

    Dear Editor:

    I love Boothbay Harbor. This community is my home, it’s where I’m raising my children, it’s where I earn a living, and I hope to live here for the rest of my life.

    I think all of us that choose to live here have a deep love for this beautiful place and collectively, we all want Boothbay to prosper and remain attractive to residents and visitors alike. 

    We have some serious challenges, chief among them a lack of opportunity for the average working family. You may not have experienced this first hand if you do not rely on our local economy to make a living, but it’s vital that we make every effort to support and grow the year-round working community that lives here.

    Our local economy needs help and I believe one of the largest factors contributing to poverty in our region is the lack of affordable housing.

    It seems to me our priorities should be:

    · A long-term investment made in affordable housing so that young and working families can afford to make our town the place they call home as well. 

    · Steps taken to preserve and expand lodging in support of tourism. The reduction of places for visitors to stay in our community also reduces that amount of money flowing in to our economy. I would estimate that we’re looking at nearly $2 million reduction in retail revenue in this community over the next two years. (100 rooms x $100 per day per room not spent locally compounded over the season).

    · Encourage investment to strengthen and broaden our economy while preserving our heritage and fishing industry, without also removing lodging and job opportunities. Tourists come here to eat seafood, and have access to the water, which is why I’m voting in support of warrant articles 3, 4 and 5. I wholeheartedly believe that the two-zone plan is a balanced approach to maintain both vital industries.

    If we make the right choices now, we could revitalize our economy and see a resurgence of young families moving back to this region.

    Anya Reid

    The Thistle Inn