- Private group -
Sat, 12/17/2022 - 11:00am

This would normally be Teddy Spaghetti's turn at the blob. Haha! That was a typo and I'm going to leave it like that because this is MY HOUSE. And I do whatever I want to in MY HOUSE. Especially after 6-7 Neat Cutty Sarks and Mountain Dews. I call them Sarky Dews. Teddy's taking a break from the action this month. He got into my survival kit and ate 12lbs of Slim Jims and powdered mashed potatoes complete with their plastic wrappers.

ANYWAY... I'm trying to ramrod this whole newsletter through before all this Cutty Sark transforms me from borderline humorous bard to unintelligible and technologically impotent sphincter.

ANYWAY.... Maybe that's the Cutty Sark talking. It definitely is. That’s why I’m thinking about things like: “Can dogs be allergic to human beings?”

ANYWAY... This is just a blog I whipped together at the last minute. You can tell because there's a lot of cute dog photos and not a lot of substance. Actually: WARNING: There's only a couple laughs in the whole garbage dump. I’d run if I were you.

So grab a cup of cocoa or a nalgene water bottle filled with Cutty Sark and Mountain Dews and click on "Fudgie Questions" -- by Don.

P.S. I'm not suggesting children should drink off-season.

Read our latest Critically-Acclaimed, World-Famous, Universally-Heralded, Sarcastic Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/twosaltydogs/the-salty-paws-december-2022-7226000

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