Bluebirds over Boothbay. Just you wait and see.

- Private group -
Thu, 04/09/2020 - 11:00am

When Queen Elizabeth addressed her nation, and by extension the rest of us, the other day, she summoned up the guardian angels of another globally traumatic event: the Second World War. Understanding how much the Brits, in particular, suffered, hearing her refer to the song, “We’ll meet again,” was the emotional equivalent to the British Government’s “Keep Calm and Carry On.” A slogan the CDC morphed into “Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands.”

We were thinking about that song, and another, as the full moon rose over Spruce Point this week. As Judy Woodruff said, reporting on 2020’s only Super Moon and closing the NewsHour with a quiet comment, almost an afterthought: “We need it.” Read more...