Letter to the Editor

Voting for Collins

Tue, 09/30/2014 - 10:30am

    Dear Editor:

    Negative advertisements may work in other states, but here in Maine we aren't fooled by them.

    Particularly offensive is when political operatives from Washington, D.C. come in and convince candidates to attack one of the most revered figures in Maine's political history, Sen. Susan Collins.

    If they think false accusations and grainy black and white photos will sway voters to dislike Susan, they guessed wrong. The young activists running against the senator also play fast and loose with the facts.

    She recently claimed Collins voted for a flaws budget proposal when, in fact, Collins did not. Instead of owning up to the mistake, she blamed it on one of her staff.

    In Susan Collins we have senator that works hard, gets things done for Maine, and knows her job down to the most minute detail. We need her now more that ever, that's why I'm voting for Susan.

    Stuart Smith
