letter to the editor

Vote for Steve Lewis

Mon, 04/23/2018 - 3:30pm

    Dear Editor:

    Steve Lewis and I have known each other our whole lives, almost 50 years. We graduated together in the Boothbay Region High Schcool class of 1988. We served as volunteers for over a decade on the Boothbay Region Ambulance Service. We worked many hours together helping people in time of need on our peninsula.

    Steve is completely dedicated to his community. He has worked at the Boothbay Region transfer station, been married and served on the BRAS – all for 28 years. That is a long time to be dedicated to many different things.

    We need to move this community forward and not backward. I have three grandchildren. I am concerned if things don’t continue to move forward with year-round jobs and affordable housing, my grandkids won’t have the opportunity to live their lives here if they choose to. We are more than a retirement community. We are a community full of many kinds of people. We must consider them all.

    Steve Lewis is dedicated, honest, and cares very much for the people he represents. He is very open to discussing what he believes in. Transparency is very important in these times. I will ask that, on May 7, you get out and vote for Steve to be reelected to the Boothbay Board of Selectmen. The livelihood of our community depends upon it.

    Jody Lewis
