’Round Town


Wed, 06/21/2017 - 7:30am

    I guess I'd like to start with two apologies.

    One. Sorry for the obligatory lupine photo. I know there are tons of lupine photos everywhere this time of year. On the internet, in magazines, on TV, etc., etc. But I just can't resist throwing in my two cents. These plants fascinate me.

    I never saw them until I came to Maine and we have, during our 15 or so years here on “the farm” on Southport, seen their numbers increase steadily. This year, though less plump, seem to be more numerous. Perhaps the milder winter and heavy spring rains had some effect. I'm not sure. It does seem that the few days of extreme heat we had a while back came just as the stems were beginning to lengthen and the buds forming. I don't think lupine appreciate too much heat. It is a bit of a mystery to me, what makes for a good lupine season vs. a mediocre one.

    This week's photo is from our unattended patch of wildness that comes back each year with a few surprises. I like the lupine and daisy combination but never know just how the wild things will align for photographs. I do keep the camera handy as we approach peak season, which must be about now. There are still many plants making new buds, so the show may go on for a bit. We shall see.

    My second apology is to the hard working group who so diligently work to do their best printing of our paper. Over many years of work with printers, I know how tough some images are to print. I suspect there may be a few grumbly stomachs when they see this image roll up the press. Some colors are tough to reproduce, especially when a web press is running paper across the rollers at break neck speeds. A small color adjustment for Mitchell does not go without notice in another area. It’s a delicate balance.

    Sorry folks, if I've made your day a little more difficult. I know what you are up against. I appreciate your efforts.

    Perhaps it will all work out — good lupine and great press. For the first day of summer!