letter to the editor

Senator Dow is misinformed

Mon, 02/19/2018 - 3:45pm

    Dear Editor:

    Sen. Dow’s column about reintroducing alewives to Sheepscot Pond was wrong on two points. Lamprey eels are not a threat to fish in Maine rivers and lakes. The adults swim in from the ocean, don’t eat, lay their eggs, and die. The fry migrate back to the ocean and are too small to attach to fish. This information can be found on the Inland Fisheries website.

    The dam at Sheepscot Pond will not be removed and the water level will not change. The existing fish ladder will be opened all year instead of being closed in May and June.

    Alewives are very beneficial to lakes and ponds. They eat algae, are a great source of food for game fish, and don’t compete with other fish in the pond. Sen. Dow, this information is all out there if you only took the time to look it up instead of going by hearsay when writing your column for the paper.

    Lee Thompson
