Letter to the Editor

Reelect Johnson

Fri, 10/10/2014 - 11:00am

    Dear Editor:

    A bumper sticker on our car reads, “Corporate Rule is Not a Democracy.” It urges us, and we hope others, to think about the roles our elected representatives play, knowing that government is for the people. Newcastle resident Frances Perkins, FDR’s Labor Secretary during the Great Depression and chief architect of our modern day safety net, put it well: “People are what matter to government and a government should aim to give all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life.”

    From our perspective, our democracy works best when it affords opportunities for fair representation and provides equal protection under the law for all citizens.

    Chris Johnson gets this. We thank him and his wife Valarie for being with us on the Damariscotta River bridge so many Sundays in 2012 as we rallied with others of different faiths and persuasions in favor of marriage equality in Maine. When civil unions were proposed as an alternative, Chris rightfully realized that separate but equal didn’t work to end segregation, nor would it have worked for Maine’s same sex couples.

    So, thanks to Chris and many others for the opportunity to marry. It’s a great feeling to be included in a law that allows all the people to seek the best possible life.

    It seems funny to say we rushed into marriage in March 2013 after sharing our lives together for 34 years, but in fact we did. And now, we think we’re happier and healthier in ways we never before realized. Aside from obvious legal benefits, if you've ever had to hide something, you can perhaps understand what it's like to always be guarded with others about the person you love.

    Of course we’re encouraged that laws and attitudes are now rapidly changing. But looking back at Maine’s decision and Chris’ support in 2012 we see acts of courage and leadership for the benefit of all the people. It’s a better world and we think Frances Perkins would be pleased.

    Please join us in reelecting Chris Johnson to the Maine Senate.

    Christopher Rice and Tomlin Coggeshall
