letter to the editor

In praise of volunteers

Tue, 11/22/2016 - 11:30am

    Dear Editor:

    In this time of political divisiveness, it is also a time for Thanksgiving. Through the weeks, I have been reminded of a comment in Joe Gelarden’s column on a Tough Day for Volunteers and, amidst all of the turmoil, the firefighters, all volunteers, are a constant. There is no season for fires and these volunteers must always be ready to assist, and to quote Boothbay Fire Chief Dick Spofford, “People don’t know what these guys go through. You can fix property, but when people lose their lives — they did it with dignity.” However, it takes a toll emotionally and as we all have our personal grief, it is the volunteers who answer the call from everybody in need. I have had the occasion to have the comfort of the ambulance service, and as with all volunteers, they all deserve our debt of gratitude.

    Priscilla K. Tavenner
