letter to the editor

One man’s impressive portfolio

Tue, 01/17/2017 - 7:00am

    Dear Editor:

    Black Lives Matter, police slayings and violence in the streets, the failure and bankruptcy of the Affordable Care Act, unrestricted immigration, the crippling of America’s coal industry, multiple terror attacks on American soil, a ten-trillion-dollar increase in national debt, the corruption and undermining of all three branches of government and the intelligence agencies with a barrage of executive orders, the empowerment of government agencies such as the IRS to selectively hound politically undesirable organizations, the unpunished torture and murder of an American ambassador, half a million dead in Syria, the Muslim refugee invasion of Europe, the rise of Iran as a menacing nuclear power, the criminalization of Israel by allowing the U.N. Security Council to declare democratic ally Israel a pariah state ... and more, much more.

    Hopefully, thanks to Democrats Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan, who together shoved our nation into Civil War, Obama’s Presidency may not be the worst of all time, just maybe.

    Agreed, Donald Trump is no Lincoln, but he isn’t Obama-In-A-Pantsuit, either.

    Phil Molvar