Letter to the Editor

New rules, no exception

Wed, 06/03/2015 - 8:15am

    Dear Editor:

    In October 2006, I purchased a property on Summit Road on Mt. Pisgah in Boothbay Harbor knowing the water and sewer lines needed updating, but not knowing that earlier that summer the water district passed a new rule that abandoned lines could be refused, not grandfathered, and it was up to their discretion.

    The water line runs through the woods to Campbell Street, so they agreed to let me replace it if I had a right-of-way signed by that landowner.

    After a phone call to that property owner, she refused the right-of-way. This person does not live here and has had no plans for the property for five years.

    The line was to be replaced within the sideline setback on an unbuildable piece of their property, and within 80 feet, it would go directly into an already existing sewer easement, continuing through the woods. Hence, the water district is nullifying the grandfather clause for all abandoned lines.

    On Nov. 8, 2006, I had a conversation with the Jon Ziegra, manager of the water district. I was advised I could replace or repair the line then they could supply the water. He said they needed to inspect the fix, but that they could not refuse me service.

    On Dec. 6, 2006, Ziegra told me I needed the right-of-way, that the line was not grandfathered.

    Last year, I was told that my only option was to put a water main on Summit Road off Bay Street approximately 170 feet up Summit Road to my property.

    The house on my property is abandoned and not savable. The land value is taxed at $47,000. By a quick estimate from Ziegra, it would cost me $30,000-plus to get the water just to the property line, with no option for even summer water.

    I have an idea to get water and solve a town issue — a sump pump that puts water running down the road causing icing through a bus stop — that the water district refuses to look at.

    I have also had to pay a sewer bill all these years to a house I can't even get water to. There is something wrong here. Any ideas?

    Marc Brewer

    Boothbay Harbor