Letter to the Editor

Let ‘Redskins’ go

Tue, 09/02/2014 - 7:00pm

    Dear Editor:

    Back in the 1960s, I was a Sanford High School Redskin. None of us gave it a thought then. But, in truth, that was never an acceptable term; it’s just that Maine’s Indians had no voice then.

    Now we have no excuse. (And if you think differently, take this simple test: Would you call an Indian a Redskin to his or her face?)

    Several years ago, with little fanfare, and the support of all of the student body and most of the alumni, Sanford changed its mascot to the Spartans. There was no community-wide handwringing. It was just seen as the right thing to do. And life went on.

    At a time when Wiscasset must compete for tuition students from my town and Westport to fill your classrooms, and with every other town in Maine to attract business, is the in-your-face “Redskin’s Drive” really how you want the world to think of your town? (Because indeed — this has gone viral.)

    The Wiscasset selectmen I know are honorable people with long records of service to their community. I hope they rethink their decision and put the town’s reputation and best interests ahead of the passing satisfaction of annoying the rest of the state with a silly and outdated sentiment.

    This is such an unnecessary self-inflicted wound.

    It was just a mascot, folks. Let it go and move on. There are no Redskins Drives in Sanford.

    Doug Baston