The Poet's Corner

‘Decadent Summer Morning’

Send your poem to Arts & Entertainment Editor Lisa Kristoff at for publication consideration.
Mon, 07/21/2014 - 7:15am

Slow rise to this humid morning

from the alabaster-white sheeted bed

slip into a tangerine robe, follow

the tortoise shell cat meows to the kitchen

spoon oily tuna into her turquoise bowl

set the glass pot on the stove to perk

fill a lime green cup, slide into the bronze wicker chair

inhale steam from water that flowed

through freshly ground beans

farmed, harvested in a distant land while burnt-orange

orangutans romped under coco palms

along the River Bohorok as copper-patina sea turtles

plumbed the depths of the Indian Ocean

while bananas leisurely shaded from parrot green

to canary yellow and sycamore-hide elephants

swayed tourists to plantations where indigenous workers

plucked cherry-red coffee beans off bushes

and the infrequent occasion of the peacock-blue sky

turning indigo, cracking open and washing off

a tawny dust coating the rain forest.


I sip heavenly blackness from Sumatra, the purring cat

asleep on my lap, her coat ebony with brush strokes of sun.