Letter to the Editor

Bread on the water

Mon, 07/14/2014 - 12:30pm

    Dear Editor:

    We are witnessing the consequences of a callous and fearful law in detaining children who flee oppressive conditions and make a perilous journey to find refuge here in the land of the free. We can continue to sow the dragon's teeth of discontent by crushing all hope for these immigrant children and returning them to that cauldron of poverty and violence from which they sought to escape. If they survive, it is most likely that they will become of product of that environment and live violent and angry lives at our doorstep.

    Or we can sow the seeds of hope for these children. I am reminded of an ancient story of a princess who found a baby in a basket floating in the river. Her act of compassion in saving this child gave rise to the rebirth of a great nation and peoples.

    We, too, can act with compassion. We can accept them into our country. Teach them our values of gainful work, educate them in the ways of democracy and self government, and demonstrate that justice can also be compassionate.

    Most will grow up to become hard-working, freedom-loving Americans in the same tradition that our own ancestors have done. And some of them will return to their native land, armed with hope, knowledge, and grit to rebuild their homeland. We reap what we sow.

    We are a great and powerful country. What makes us great are our values. We certainly have the capacity to do the right thing, but do we have the courage?

    Fred W. Nehring