letter to the editor

Editorial page ad

Mon, 04/29/2024 - 4:15pm

Dear Editor: 

This is in response to the paid advertisement which appears on your editorial page in the April 25 issue. As a former professionally trained journalist and a newspaper editor, I was taught that editorial pages are the opinion of the papers’ owner/editorial board. Opinion pieces, op-eds—carry a byline. Letters to the editor must be signed. In other words, the writers take responsibility for what is printed. Readers may not agree with the opinions but they can rebut them and they know the source because everything is signed or carries a byline 

In my opinion, you have failed to follow your own policy by printing a paid advertisement on your editorial page and not telling your readers who paid for or sponsored the ad. For those who are unfamiliar with the “headline” ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It.  

No matter what your political affiliation is, you should be able to have a meaningful discourse with others without being told you are “stupid” or “insane." Furthermore, you should not be able to buy space on an editorial page without using your name. 

Karen W. Azzoli 
